Plastic Nylon Waterbottle Buckle Hook

Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
540 As low as $1.14 each
900 As low as $1.11 each
4500 As low as $1.07 each
9000 As low as $0.71 each
90000 As low as $0.65 each
For some outdoor activity, bucket hook is very necessory. This hook is made of high quality nylon and plastic,durable,strong, bears higher and colder temperature,do not defor. Easy to hang the water bottle and add the keys. You can instantly connect water bottles to your bike, motorcycle, camping backpack or whatever else you can imagine. Feel free to contact us!

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
Made of high quality nylon and plastic,durable,strong, bears higher and colder temperature,do not defor.

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